Sunday, August 9, 2009

Affaire de AFER grows: Boies and Olson file opposition to motions to intervene in the Perry case by San Francisco and gay rights organizations

08/8/09 AP:

I didn't think this development was likely, but AP reports that David Boies and Ted Olson have filed oppositions to proposed interventions in the Perry case not only by San Franicsco and gay rights groups, but also by the Campaign for California Families. In my revised post today, I characterize as "affaire de AFER" the dispute between Boies and Olson, on the one hand, and the gay rights groups and San Francisco, on the other. Tomorrow, I expect to post and discuss the opposition filings of August 7th. I have obviously underestimated the extent to which AFER was prepared to fulfil its threat to oppose intervention by legal organizations whose intervention it would otherwise have good reason to welcome.

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