Tuesday, February 17, 2009

California lawmakers back Prop. 8 challenge

02/17/09 AP: "The Assembly Judiciary Committee voted 7-3 Tuesday to put the legislature on record as opposing Proposition 8." According to the Committee analysis of House Resolution 5, "the resolution addresses one of the most significant civil rights issues in the history of California, namely, whether the initiative process may be used to deprive a group defined by a suspect classification of a fundamental and inalienable right. " The companion resoultion in the California Senate is SR 7 (2009).

02/18/09 SF Chronicle: Reporter John Wildermuth calls the resolutions "
symbolic with a capital 'S.'"

02/18/09 Christian Post: "ProtectMarriage.com, which ran the campaign to pass Proposition 8, has called the non-binding resolutions meaningless and a waste of time. "

02/18/09 California Family Council: The Alliance Defense Fund reports an e-mail in which California Family Council states that after "almost 2 hours of testimony during the hearing and a large number of citizens testifying to their dismay of the possibility of having their votes invalidated for a second time – the Democrat majority approved the resolutions."

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