Sunday, May 2, 2010

Law professor John Culhane brings the Equality Forum to everyone who can't attend

This year's Equality Forum has again engaged law professor John Culhane to write about its panels. The schedule required John to highlight certain panels, and he expects to conclude his series with an interview of David Boies, the "yin" to the "yang" Theodore Olson, who together represent the Perry plaintiffs.

Read his latest opinion article, "The Paradox of Legal Gay Unions," for John's wide range of law review publication includes the rights of same-sex couples and other legal issues of sexual orientation. But the law review format has its limitations. It often (typically?) disengages authors from their lived realities of legal inequality, as if they were disembodied agents of legal reasoning. If this artificial disassociation does not neuter their insights, it requires a detachment that disconnects the reader from their own personal seismometers. "The Paradox of Legal Gay Unions" returns John's insights to the fullest measure of their lived meaning. He describes the paradox from the perspective of his partner's incredibly powerful observation about their wedding rings, and of a friend's misfortune in separating from a partner.

Last year, John favored this site with a four-part series on "Marriage Equality and Religious Liberty." His blog, WordinEdgewise, consummates a marriage of zany humor, delightful style, evocative opinion, perceptive insight, and graceful humility. He is a treasure to read.

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