Saturday, May 8, 2010

Update on DOMA challenge in Bishop v. USA: the Alliance Defense Fund joins the defense

Bishop v. USA, No. 04-cv-00848 (N.D.Ok.)

Plainitffs' objection to motions for pro hac vice admission of ADF attorneys, filed 03/23/10

Reply to plaintiffs' objection to motions for pro hac vice admission of ADF attorneys, filed 03/23/10

I could have titled this update, "Round Up The Usual Suspects," because that is what defendant Sally Howe Smith has done in a lawsuit challenging sections 2 and 3 of the federal DOMA. Howe is the Tulsa County Clerk who denied a marriage license to plaintiffs Mary Bishop and Sharon Baldwin, on the grounds that Oklahoma's constitution prohibits same-sex marriages. Howe's counsel has been David Iski, Assistant Tulsa County District Attorney. In March, Iski asked the Court to admit, as out-of-state, co-counsel, four attorneys of the Alliance Defense Fund. On April 1st, the Court granted his request. The ADF attorneys are Brian Raum, Dale Schowengerdt, Jim Campbell, and Austin Nimocks. See also the March 30th press release by the Cimarron Alliance Foundation.


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