Monday, June 15, 2009

Gay marriage up for debate in Pennsylvania

06/13/09 The Sentinel Online (source: ADF Alliance Alert)

State Sen. Daylin Leach, D-17, last week introduced Senate Bill 935 that would offer “full and equal marriage rights” to same-sex couples in the state and legally recognize those marriages performed in other states.

On June 19th, Senator Leach will debate Senator John H. Eichelberger on the legislation. Section 3 of SB 935 has a provision on religious liberty that the First Amendment makes redundant. Eichelberger, an opponent of same-sex marriage, will find the provision easy to attack, and with good reason. A stronger remedy - of the kind that New Hampshire's recent law provides - would undercut political opposition, without compromising support from advocates of same-sex marriage. (For example, Mary Bonauto, civil rights project director for Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, told the NY Times that the stronger religious-liberty exemptions were "no big deal.")

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