Monday, January 25, 2010

Selection of news and articles on the Perry case

I am preparing my "Perry roundups" in an abbreviated format, providing just the title, date, and source of each article. I select just the articles and posts that I consider especially noteworthy.

Day 10
  • Media
Dan Levine, Prop 8 Defense Seeks to Show Gays Have Power, 01/26/10 The Recorder (SF legal newspaper)

Margaret Talbot, Boies at Play, 01/26/10 New Yorker

Jessie McKinley, Supporters of Gay Marriage Ban Start Case, 01/25/10 NY Times

Gary Shih, Same-Sex Marriage Case, Day 10: Domino Effect - New York Times, 01/25/10 NY Times

Lisa Leff, Defense calls first witness at gay marriage trial, 01/25/10 AP

Maura Dolan, Prop. 8 trial focuses on gays' political power, 01/25/10 LA Times

Susan Ferriss, Proposition 8 defense opens with testimony about power in California, 01/25/10 Sacramento Bee

Stu Woo, Gay-Marriage Foes Make Their Case, 01/25/10 Wall Street Journal

Bob Egelko, Prop. 8 defense: Gays don't lack clout, 01/25/10 SF Chronicle

Howard Mintz, Prop. 8 trial Day 10: Live coverage from the courtroom, 01/25/10 San Jose Mercury News

Lisa Leff, Lawyers for plaintiffs rest case on gay marriage, 01/25/10 AP

  • Advocacy Organizations
NCLR's Legal Director Shannon Minter, California's Prop 8 Trial and Its Cast of Compelling Characters, 01/25/10 Pam's House Blend

Brian Leubitz, How A Bad Expert Can Ruin A Case, 01/25/10 Courage Campaign's Prop. 8 Trial Tracker

ADF Senior Counsel Austin Nimocks, ADF Update on Prop 8 Trial: Day 10, 01/26/10 Christian Post's GC Andrew Pugno, A Vigorous Defense for Traditional Marriage, 01/25/10 Protect Marriage Action Fund
  • Unaffiliated
Sarah Ruby, Defense witness on cross: bans on same-sex marriage discriminate, 01/26/10 Prop 8 on Trial
Related News

[Interviews of participants in newly released documentary, 8: The Mormon Proposition], 01/23/10 CNN Newsroom


Geoff Kors, Prop. 8 Case: Progress on LGBT Rights Doesn’t Equal Equality, 01/25/10 LGBT POV

Frances Tobin, California's Prop 8 Trial and Its Cast of Compelling Characters, 01/25/10 Politics Daily

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